Civil Rights
Title VI Program
The Alliance for Community Transportation and TripLink are operated by the Cooperative Alliance for Seacoast Transportation (COAST). COAST operates its services and programs without regard to race, color, national origin or any other characteristic protected by law including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and as a recipient of federal funding under the programs of the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) of the US Department of Transportation (US DOT), COAST has an obligation to ensure that:
- The benefits of its services are shared equitably throughout the service area;
- The level and quality of services are sufficient to provide equal access to all riders in its service area;
- No one is precluded from participating in COAST's service planning and development process;
- Decisions regarding service changes or facility locations are made without regard to race, color or national origin and that the development benefitting a community as a whole not be unjustifiably purchased through the disproportionate allocation of its adverse environmental and health burdens on the community's minority population; and
- A program is in place for correcting any discrimination, whether intentional or unintentional.
Director of HR & Compliance
42 Sumner Drive
Dover, NH 03820
(603) 743-5777, Ext. 106